Arahura History - 1971 to Current Day
1971 Initially established as a boarding house with 2 staff, 30 residents in one, three storey house in Herne Bay for men coming out of Carrington and Oakley Institutes.
1987 The house was named 'Arahura House' in memory of the founder who was born in Arahura. Translating to 'pathway to discovery' or 'pathway to the light'. (Arahura was a small town on the West Coast of the South Island , close to Hokitika).
1993 The large 30 bed house was closed and the service moved to Ponsonby Rd. The service gained registration under the DPCW Act and the professionalisation of the service truly began with the structure of a Limited liability Company.
1994 Early in the year the service took on it's first flat, which was a one bedroom half house. Soon we took on the other side of the house and had 2 flats in the one house. By the end of the year we had turned those two flats into one house in Sandringham with the support of Community housing Limited (CHL).
1997 We took on our second four bedroom house in Grey Lynn again with CHL.
1998 Became a Charitable Trust on 25 th February. Moved out of Ponsonby rd into two four bedroom houses still with the support of CHL. 2001 The service now has four / four bedroom, high quality houses in Central Auckland , each with a maximum of four people per house. 12 Level Two and 4 Level One.
2001 The service has been established for 30 years and operating as a Charitable Trust for three years.
2002 Became the auspice agency for Crossroads Clubhouse . Arahura's stated goal and outcome is to support the creation of Crossroads as a freestanding Clubhouse. Current funding through government sources has been guaranteed until June 2005, at which stage alternative funding must be accessed.
2002 Blue Water Services approaches Arahura to takeover its residential provider contracts. The numbers Arahura will be supporting will increase by 26.
2003 The Chairman and CEO of the Trust visit Arahura Pa on the West Coast. Arahura and Blue Water sign sales agreement for transfer of services March 28 th , effective April 1 st . From this point Arahura's service are to extend to Level Three.
2004 Housing New Zealand and ASB Trusts support us in replacing Kakariki Boarding House with two four bedroom homes. Opened March 2004.
2005 A year of consolidation from our recent growth with an enthuses on training staff and quality service provision.
The house was named 'Arahura House' in memory of the founder who was born in Arahura. Translating to 'pathway to discovery' or 'pathway to the light'. (Arahura was a small town on the West Coast of the South Island,close to Hokitika).
Our Mission
Our aim is to improve the quality of life for people experiencing mental health challenges through community based support. The Trust is a vehicle to improve the quality of life of people.
Story Snippets
Firstly, I'm thrilled to be working the mental health field, but more specifically for Arahura. Mostly because I can use my life experience of living with a mental illness. This means I am valued for my experience in the same way someone may be valued for their study in their field.
Contact Arahura
Email admin@arahura.org.nz | |
Phone 09 360 0745 |
Contact Crossroads Clubhouse
Email admin@crossroadsclubhouse.org.nz | |
Phone 09 376 4267 |